Fisheries 15(4)

Canadian Members of the AFS: Do We Really Belong?

AUTHOR(S): Donald D. MacDonald and Terry R. Marshall


MacDonald, D.D. and T.R. Marshall. 1990. Canadian members of the AFS: do we really belong? Fisheries 15(4):24-28.


In recent years, overall membership in the American Fisheries Society has grown steadily in response to a variety of program initiatives that have increased the profile and importance of the Society. However, increases in Canadian membership have not kept pace with recent gains in American membership and, overall, Canadian fisheries professionals are under-represented in AFS. This information suggests that the Society may not be adequately responding to the needs of fisheries professionals in Canada. In 1988, President Robert G. White established the Canadian Concerns Committee to provide information and advice to the AFS Executive Committee on the activities of the American Fisheries Society in Canada. Specifically, the Committee was charged with the task of determining how AFS could become more relevant to existing and potential members of the Society in Canada, and suggesting means of stimulating interest and membership.

FULL TEXT – MacDonald and Marshall