2024 ROM Fish Identification Workshops – April 16-May 3

If you are a fisheries biologist or a student registered in a fisheries biology program, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM), Department of Natural History, provides an opportunity to improve your fish identification skills. The workshops are designed primarily for professionals, technicians, field biologists, and environmental consultants, but other interested individuals – including university and college students – are welcome. Workshops will be offered in April and May 2024, at the University of Guelph Science Complex.

A variety of courses are being offered this year:

  • Three-day introductory workshop that will cover the broad array of Ontario fish families and provide an opportunity to develop specialized knowledge of a group of interest.
  • Four-day introductory workshop that will cover the same information as the three-day introductory workshop but has an additional one day in the field (Marden Lake/Eramosa River) with Jason Barnucz and Robin Gaspardy from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and ROM staff. A presentation on preservation, documentation, photographing and sampling tissues for genetic studies will also be given in the field.
  • Two-day workshop on fish species at risk in Ontario.
  • Three-day workshop on Ontario’s minnows, including the new families to Ontario: Leuciscidae, Tincidae, and Xenocyprididae.

The workshops are scheduled as follows:

Introductory Workshop (4 day) April 16-19
Introductory Workshop (3 day) April 29-May 1; May 7-9
Minnows and Carps Workshop April 23-25
Species at Risk Workshop May 2-3

To inquire about the availability or reserve a spot in one or more workshops, contact Brenna Wells.  See Full Workshop Description, Registration Form and 2024 Ontario Fish Identification Workshops for more information.