On November 12th, 2009 Dr. Ken Minns (DFO Scientist Emeritus and University of Toronto Professor) delivered an insightful lecture at Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington, as part of the AFS-OC Lecture Series. Ken’s talk was entitled “Measuring Productive Capacity of Fish Habitats: A Progress Report”. Admission was free for AFS-OC members and $5 for non-members. A total of 29 people (17 members) listened as Ken provided an update on his work developing the productive capacity model for fish habitat.

ABSTRACT:  The principle of “No Net Loss of Productive Capacity” has been the guiding concept in Canadian fish habitat management since 1986. Still there is much confusion about how to assess net change and what exactly productive capacity is or is not. Here a critical review of methods of measuring productive capacity will be presented, beginning with a brief history of Canadian fish habitat management in policy and practice. Productive capacity and related concepts are examined. Then methods of measuring PC are classified and reviewed along with some sample case studies. The review leads to a systematic framework for assessing the utility of particular methods. The likely future course of method development is charted. The linkages with evolving practices in cumulative impact assessment and ecosystem-based management are considered. Finally conclusions will be drawn and some recommendations offered.

VIEW PRESENTATION – Minns 12Nov2009 (129 Kb)